Nurse Practitioner Barry is available alternate Thursdays 1.30pm – 4pm. Please book an appointment at the Health Centre for Thursday April 1st, 15th or 29th.
Firewood Raffle There are still some numbers available for the raffle for firewood to raise funds for Eketāhuna Health Centre (EHC). 1sq.m of macrocarpa donated by a local and for delivery in Eketāhuna. $2 a ticket 100 tickets to be sold. Pop into EHC and support us!
Weekly Well-being Groups
Chair Yoga Monday 9.45am – 10.30am at St. Cuthbert’s Hall.
All welcome, Koha entry.
No class Easter Monday 5th April
Community Exercise Group Tuesday 9.10am – 10am at EHC. Gold coin.
Menz Shed Wednesday 9.30am – 12.30pm. New members are most welcome.
Te Reo classes on Mondays 6.30 – 8.30pm at Eke Health Centre (EHC). The term is well under way; if you are interested in joining call Jordan Bennett on 027 855 4739 between 3pm and 9pm.
Ladies brunch dates are Monday 29th March 2021 and Monday 19th April 2021.
Emma will do her usual ring around the week before. If you haven’t been before but are interested to join other women in the community, please get in touch.
Kendra, Lee-Anne and Emma
Te Whare Ora O Eketāhuna
06 375 8188