Te Whare Ora O Eketāhuna 06 375 8188
Opening hours Monday – Thursday 9am – 12.30pm, 1.30pm – 4.30pm. Friday 9am – 12.30pm, 1.30pm – 3pm
Raffle – Please support your local health centre – $2 per wood raffle ticket – we really need to get this SOLD.
Community Garden Working Bee – there was a great turnout and much was achieved; thank you. The team will soon be communicating via a notice board at the back of the health centre and The Eketāhuna Community Garden has its own Facebook page. Do have a look. Gardening is beneficial both physically and mentally and the health centre encourages people to get involved.
We look forward to including the fruits of your labour with vegetables, fruit and herbs being made available to the foodbank and community sharing shelves.
Ladies Brunch – If you would like to come along, please contact Emma at EHC or text 021 250 3015.
Our August gathering is Monday 16th August 11am. Please bring a plate for shared brunch. Heather Miles will be our speaker talking about foot care.
Weekly Well-being Groups
9.45am – 10.30am Chair Yoga at St. Cuthbert’s Hall. All welcome, Koha entry. No class Monday 9th August.
6.30pm – 8.30pm: Te reo classes term 3 restarts Monday 26th August, call Jordan Bennett on 027 855 4739
9.10am – 10am Community Exercise Group at EHC. Gold coin. We are always looking for new people to make use of this wonderful service. All abilities, all welcome. This group is supported Jono from Think Hauora.
9.30am – 12.30pm. Menz Shed – New members are most welcome.
COVID vaccine clinic – Saturday 24th July 2021. Eketāhuna Community Centre. 9am – 4pm. Bookings are essential.
If you have booked in, please remember to attend.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kendra, Lee-Anne, Emma and the Executive Management Team
Te Whare Ora O Eketāhuna
06 375 8188