Te Whare Ora O Eketāhuna 06 375 8188
Normal opening hours
Monday – Thursday 9am – 12.30pm, 1.30pm – 4.30pm. Friday 9am – 12.30pm, 1.30pm – 3pm.
Any changes to operating hours during Alert Levels will be notified on the door, on the telephone message or on our Facebook page.
If you have not liked our new Facebook page Te Whare Ora o Eketāhuna, please do so.
Thank you to all those who attended our foot clinic in September.
Thank you to the kind supporters of our wood raffle. Congratulations to the winner!
We await a new date for B4 School Check which was cancelled due to lockdown.
If your child needs to booked in, check out our Facebook page for updates.
We are rescheduling our October Covid vaccination clinic which was planned for Saturday 16th October to fit with government guidelines and will advise the new date as soon as arrangements are in place. We will be contacting those booked. Please contact Eketāhuna Health Centre if you are not already booked in.
Survey for those who have used food banks or community food distributors with kai/food. As part of the Food Secure Communities project, we are looking for feedback on our Google Forms survey. If you are keen to let us know about your experience and give us feedback, please call Emma on 021 250 3015 or speak to the clinical staff.
Eketāhuna Community Garden. Our next working bee is Tuesday 5 October 10.30am. If you are keen to get involved, please come and lend a hand. We also welcome any seed or seedling donations. We will have some new top soil to distribute across the raised beds and a list of other jobs. Your help and contribution to planning is most welcome.
Ladies Brunch – Our October gathering is Monday 18th September 11am. Please bring a plate for shared brunch. If you would like to come along, please contact Emma at EHC or text 021 250 3015.
Weekly Well-being Groups
9.45am – 10.30am Chair Yoga at St. Cuthbert’s Hall. Koha.
6.30pm – 8.30pm Te Reo classes. Term 3 continues. If you are interested in joining for Term 4, please contact Jordan Bennett on 027 855 4739
9.10am – 10am Community Exercise Group at EHC. On hold until level 1 as the space does not allow for physical distancing.
Individual use of the gym (or with people from your bubble) is ok. Please remember to clean down the equipment after use.
Menz Shed 9.30am – 12.30pm. New members are welcome.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kendra, Lee-Anne, Emma and the Executive Management Team
Te Whare Ora O Eketāhuna
06 375 8188