CLINIC OPEN Monday – Thursday 9am – 12pm, 1pm – 4pm; Friday 9am -12pm, 1.45pm – 2.45pm..
When closed, use Healthline 0800 611 116
There is a B4 School Check clinic on Wednesday 9th August 10.00am – 3.00pm. Call the heath centre if you have a 4x year old you would like to book in.
Well-being activities:
- Monday Chair Yoga 9.45am at St. Cuthberts Hall,
- Tuesdays Gym Class 11.00am,
- Wednesdays Menz Shed 9.30am.
You are welcome to use the gym at EHC during clinic hours. Next Monthly Ladies Brunch is 21st August 11.00am.
There is small amount of food available in the pataka kai at the back of the health centre. Eketahuna Food Bank may be able to help with emergency food parcels. Call or text 021 034 7762.
Eketāhuna Community Garden
Our first regular working bee is on Sunday 6th August 10.30am – 12.30pm; it will be followed by others on the 1st Sunday of the month, mark 3rd September and 1st October in your diary.
Thank you for your continued support Kendra, Lee-Anne, Emma and Sara
Te Whare Ora O Eketāhuna 06 375 8188