A completely new committee was elected at the last Our Town AGM, the previous committee retiring after largely completing their existing projects.

The new officer holders are:
- Secretary: Margaret Drysdale
- Treasurer: Murray Sargison
- Chair: Colin Fraser-Davies
- Webmaster: Glynne MacLean
The new committee is now open to suggestions for new projects which would benefit the local population and our visitors.
Suggestions may be sent to: eketahunakiwicountry@xtra.co.nz or dropped off at the Information Centre (for written suggestions).
Alternatively Our Town will be represented at a long-term planning meeting, held jointly with the Community Board, where project proposals can be made in person.

This will take the form of a stall at the Super Market on Sunday 13th August between 10.00am and 1.00pm.
All project proposals are subject to funding being available and may unavoidably take a significant time to complete.