CLINIC OPEN Monday – Thursday 9am – 12pm, 1pm – 4pm; Friday 9am -12pm, 1.45pm – 2.45pm. If you have respiratory symptoms, cold or flu, please call ahead. You will be asked to wait outside at the back of the clinic (under cover).
When we are closed, use Healthline 0800 611 116
Thank you to those of you that came to our AGM.
Please note we will be implementing new prices for our services from 1st October 2023. These prices are wholly necessary for the continuation of our Health Centre.
Well-being activities: Monday Chair Yoga 9.45am at St. Cuthberts Hall and Wednesdays Menz Shed 9.30am. There will be no Te Reo classes at the Health Centre for the coming term.
There will a new Gym Class starting Tuesday 3rd October run by Jono from Think Hauora. You are welcome to use the gym during clinic hours.
Next Monthly Ladies Brunch is Monday 16th October 11am.
Our monthly Heartlands Catch Up sessions in the lounge at the back of the Health Centre are planned for Thursdays 19th October, 16th November and 14th December. Pop in and meet Rawinia and Aroha from Hamua Ora Heartlands. They can help with WINZ, IRD and ACC.
Reduced volumes of food rescue are being delivered to Eketāhuna Food bank by WaiWaste Food Rescue and is shared in the pataka kai at the back of the Health Centre. We hope many families can benefit so please don’t be greedy. Eketahuna Food Bank may be able to help with emergency food parcels.
Eketāhuna Community Garden working bee is Sunday 1st October 10.30am. Our next community crop swap is Sunday 15th October 10.30am
With thanks for your continued support – Lee-Anne, Kendra, Sara and Emma and with special thanks to our Executive Board.
06 375 8188