Eketāhuna Health Centre Te Whare Ora O Eketāhuna

CLINIC OPEN Monday – Thursday 9am – 12pm, 1pm – 4pm; Friday 9am -12pm, 1.45pm – 2.45pm. We are closed for the stat days over Christmas so we can see you Wednesday 27th, Thursday 28th, Friday 29th and Wednesday 3rd, Thursday 4th, Friday 5th January. We resume normal working hours Monday 8th January. When we are closed, call Healthline 0800 611 116

Well-being activities: Mondays Chair Yoga 9.45am at St. Cuthberts Hall (last one 18th Dec, restarts 8th Jan) and Wednesdays Menz Shed from 9.30am (last one 20th Dec, restarts 10th Jan). Remember you are welcome to use the gym during clinic hours; Jono is sometimes available on Tuesdays.

Our last Heartlands Catch Up session of the year is Thursday 14th December. There will be no ladies lunch in December but mark your diaries for Monday 15thJanuary 2024.

Next Eketāhuna Community Garden working bee is Sunday 3rd December 10.30am. Our next community crop swap is Sunday 17th December 10.30am

Eketāhuna Food Bank Christmas Kai Drive is on Monday 11th December from 6pm. Local school aged children, Eketāhuna Fire Brigade and Eketāhuna Police will pick up from houses within the township. Our cupboards are bare and we need donations of non-perishable foods: coffee, tea and sugar: breakfast cereals, honey, peanut butter and jam; tinned baked beans, spaghetti, tomatoes, corn and other tinned veg; tinned tuna, salmon and mackerel; tinned fruit and sweet treats; noodles, rice and pasta.
If you live rurally please drop in any food or cash donations to the health centre. Please ask Emma, Community Coordinator, or the nurses if you feel you need a Christmas food parcel. Text 021 250 3015

Christmas Health Centre

As the year closes we want to thank organisations for their financial support that enable us to provide the health and wellness services including support of the Eketāhuna foodbank and Eketāhuna community garden. We are only part funded by Te Whatu Ora and Think Hauora; we wish to thank COGs, Eastern and Central, MSD, Waireka, local churches and Eketāhuna Op Shop for their grants and donations. In addition there are individuals who provide unwavering support through donations and the local Eketāhuna people who support through patient fees. Thank you.

Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Arohanui Lee-Anne, Kendra, Sara, Emma and our Executive Board.
06 375 8188
