Eketāhuna Multisport Turf

The Tennis Club is looking for people to help with the maintenance/upkeep of the turf. This is not a big job and centres around raking and spraying the turf twice a year and a few spot sprays every other month.
If you have time and are willing to help, please contact Kirsten Waterman 021 131 1575 or kirstenc@windowslive.com.
The Tennis Club would also like to thank our very generous sponsors:
The Eketahuna Community Board, Tararua Council,
PGG Wrightson, Eastern and Central Community Trust, and Waireka Trust.
Without the support of these wonderful organisations, we would not be able to have such a fantastic facility in our community.
If you would like to donate money to the ongoing care and maintenance of this facility, please contact Kirsten Waterman 021 131 1575 or kirstenc@windowslive.com.
Your donation would be most welcome.

all weather courts
Tennis Hockey, Netball