CLINIC OPEN Monday – Thursday 9am – 12pm, 2pm – 4pm; Friday 9am -12pm, 1.45pm – 2.45pm.
When we are closed, call Healthline 0800 611 116
Our Weekly Well-Being activities are:
- Mondays Chair Yoga 9.45am at St. Cuthberts Hall,
- Tuesdays Gym class with Jono from 11am,
- Wednesdays Menz Shed from 9.30am. Also, if you have registered and completed a gym form, you are welcome to use the gym during clinic hours.
- Our next monthly ladies’ brunch is Monday 24 June 11am. It has shifted one week due to King’s birthday. On the Monday after, there is a Eketāhuna SuperSkills session. That’s Monday 1 July 11am at St. Cuthberts Hall. Call Emma on 021 250 3015 if you are keen to learn.
The health centre provides space in the back lounge for various agencies:
- Wairarapa Law Tuesday 4 June 1pm – 3pm,
- Mike Butterick Constituency Clinic Monday 10 June 10am – 3pm,
- Hamua Ora Heartlands Catch Up Thursday 20 June 10am to 2pm.
In addition, we start Smoking Cessation Clinics this month: Tuesday 11 June and Tuesday 25 June. Time tbc
Winter Warmers 27 June at 11am-12.30pm with Manawatu Horowhenua Tararua Diabetes Trust
And Visit their website and register online:
Emma will be in Eketāhuna Community Garden a mid week working bee on Thursday 20 June 10am -12pm. Come and join in whether you are a seasoned gardener or not. Our community crop swap continue Sunday 16 June 10.30am at the health centre. Please ensure you bring something garden related to swap.
Call or text Emma, Community Coordinator, on 021 250 3015 to access our food bank service. Many people are feeling the pinch so please think of others when taking from the pataka kai. We love how so much garden produce is shared here.
The Executive Board of Te Whare Ora o Eketahuna – Eketahuna Heath Centre Incorporated is on the lookout for a Treasurer. If you have accountancy skills and wish to be involved in our wonderful health and well-being service, please email chairperson, David Kinzett, at with your expression of interest.
With thanks for your continued support
Lee Ann, Kendra, Sara, Emma and the Executive Board
06 375 8188