A few items of note from our July meeting:
Charlie Death attended the meeting to speak about his award from the Minister of Civil Defence in recognition of his years of service in Civil Defence in the Tararua District, particularly Eketāhuna. Well done and well-deserved Charlie!!!
We had an update from Rodger Earp, Three Waters Manager, on upcoming repairs of Eketāhuna’s two reservoirs. It would be appreciated if everyone could be conscious of conserving water the week following July 15th and August the 5th – Thank you.
From my attendance at the recent Road Safety meeting in Dannevirke I can confirm that NZTA are close to having funding to upgrade the Eketāhuna Main Street Pedestrian Crossing.
We acknowledged the achievement of Archie Woodhouse on being crowned the East Coast FMG Farmer of the Year – Well done Archie and all the best for Nationals!
Full meeting minutes and Community Board member contact details can be viewed on the TDC website and the meetings are open to the public. If anyone has any items they’d like to present please submit them in writing two weeks before a meeting so they can be added to the agenda. You can then attend the meeting to present it.
Steen McGhie
Chair Person
Eketāhuna Community Board
NB: the Antenno App is a great way to receive notifications from Council – from Civil Defence Alerts to Recycling/Rubbish Day Reminders to Road Closures. There is also a feature that you can use to report issues such as pot-holes, blocked drains, overgrown footpaths, etc, or to provide feedback and ideas to your Council.. Get it from Apple Apps or Google Apps depending on your device.